At Rutland Pet Hospital, we believe that providing pets with dental services and educating pet owners on routine oral health care is an integral part of maintaining your pet’s overall health.

Dental disease is one of the two most common problems that affects our pet population. We see numerous pets affected by such things as plaque accumulation, gingivitis, broken teeth and loose teeth every single day. These conditions, if left undiagnosed and untreated, lead to discomfort and pain, decay and infection, and the potential for bacteria to cause organ damage via entry through the blood stream.
Your Veterinarian can examine your pet’s overall oral health and help create a dental health plan for your pet. This may include home dental care such as daily brushing, switching to a dental specific diet and/or using oral chews or other oral health care products. It may also involve booking your pet for a dental examination, cleaning and X-rays under general anesthesia.

Our Dental Health Care Services Include:

  • Oral Health Exams
  • Oral Health Care Diets & Products
  • Teeth Cleaning
  • Dental X-Ray
  • Teeth Extraction

If you have any other questions, please contact us